Exciting Updates and Upcoming Events!
What a blast the summer and autumn have been for me!
I've attended a few shows and exhibitions, and met so many lovely people on the way!
And of course, drawn some of your beautiful and amazing pets!
I have two events/exhibitions coming up:
7th Dec
I will be joining the Queensbury Crafters for their Christmas fair at the Queensbury conservative club. Its the first time I've exhibited and had a stall with them, so I'm really looking forward to the day!
7th and 8th December
I will be joining the Bingley Graphite Art group at the Chip'n'Ern in Bingley for their first ever Christmas fair! (yes I double booked , but I'm sure my friends at the Bingley Graphite Art Group will cover for me on the Saturday and will be their to see you all on Sunday!
Talking of firsts... I've joined the the Association of Animal Artists! And am looking forward to meeting some of the Artists whose work I admire, and other like minded Animal artist very soon!
Another first for me, As you all know I am putting together my products in a shop on this very site! ( gosh its taking aaages!) and have met a local printer just down the road in Sowerby Bridge who does a fantastic job of scanning and printing artworks, so that I can have fabulous quality prints available for you!
Watch this space!... I'll keep you all updated!